(Legendary Garden 2.0) I'm so excited to see that I've been telling the truth to everyone that ever asks me about gardening or has attended one of my classes. Weeks 1 and 2 I didn't really see much difference in the year 1 and 2 garden spaces. I was starting to become a little concerned I may have lead people astray in their gardening adventure. But during week 3 I started to see significant differences between the two garden spaces. See for yourself:
Year 2 (Established March 15, 2015) to the right of the worm tower and Year 1 (Established Feb 5th 2016) to the left of the worm tower. It can seem a little difficult to tell from this panoramic shot, so here's some key photos to show the current differences.
Left: Year 2: 3 weeks since planting corn from seed and tomatoes from plants
Right: Year 1 corn from seed and tomatoes from plants
Notice how the year 2 plants are much greener, the corn stalks are thicker and taller and the tomatoes have more abundant foliage and are greener. The year 1 tomatoes are beginning to yellow towards the bottom
Both sections have been treated the exact same, there is no supplemental fertilization. When I fertilized the year two section with poultry litter fertilizer I did so at the same time as the year one section. The only difference is the passage of time.
Left: Year 2 zucchini from seed at 3 weeks. Notice 4 true leaves
Right: Year 1 zucchini. Barely 3 true leaves.
Right: Year 1 green beans. These are much further behind in setting out the second set of true leaves and are not as rich in color
Here's a panoramic from the north side of the garden you can get a better view of the tomatoes and corn and how they differ.
Left of worm tower is year 2 and right of worm tower is year 1.
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